Dr. Ronald E. McNair High School's High Achievers are changing the perception of their school! Students are taking advantage of several organizations that offer scholastic and leadership opportunities as well as team building activities, community service events and awesome field trips!
Opportunities include the following:
1. 100 Black Men of Dekalb County Leadership Academy 9th & 10th graders
2. Academic, Fine Arts & Essay Competitions 9th - 12th graders
3. AP & Gifted Classes 9th - 12th graders
4. Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy 9th - 12th graders
5. Family, Career & Community Leadership-FCCLA 9th - 12th graders
6. Future Business Leaders of America-FBLA 9th - 12th graders
7. McNair Travel Club 9th - 12th graders
8. National BETA Club 10th - 12th graders
9. National Honor Society 10th - 12th graders
10. Technology Student Association-TSA 9th - 12th graders
Benefits Include:
Attend Conventions & Summits
Be a Part of Prestigious Organizations
Build a Solid Foundation
Build Leadership Skills
Community Service Projects
Connect With Business Leaders
Create Cultural Enrichment
Enhance Skills
Enhance Your Resume
Increase Personal Growth
Network With Other Students
Obtain National Recognition
Chick-Fil-A Leaders put care packages together & made survival bracelets for troops.
Students clean McNair Campus & Bouldercrest Road with Keep Dekalb Clean
Shoe Drive Time...students put 25 pairs of shoes per bag...Our goal is to collect 3,000 pairs
Field-Trip to the World of Coca Cola & the CNN Center
McNair Senior Citizen Day: The Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy students organized this event for the 3rd year in a row. This year they included the National Beta Club members, Travel Club members & other McNair High Achievers to help make this event sponsored by Chick-Fil-A successful. The senior citizens were well pampered & stressed their appreciation of the royal treatment.
Click Here to Get the Full Story & Pictures
Help the McNair Travel Club & High Achievers collect shoes for their Shoe Drive. As of Jan 6th they have collected 2,600 pairs (104 bags). Goal = 2,500 We exceeded our goal by 100 pairs...way to go!
Schedule a pick-up or drop off at McNair High School.
Students had 2 guests after school that were very inspirational! Musician, Producer, Songwriter John Boy who wrote the Wobble song in 2007, and Manager & Business owner Darryl Hooker of Shane's Rib Shack. These guys shared their experiences, their passion, how to conduct yourself in an interview, complete applications & be committed.
The 35th Annual Kaiser Permanente 5K Run/Walk began at the World Congress Center. The students passed out water & encouraged the runners to keep it up! #CommsSquad #iLoveDCSD
Click Here to view all the Kaiser Permanente Pictures
Chick-Fil-A Bowls...Alabama vs Florida & GA Tech vs Tennessee. Students volunteered behind the scenes.
High Achievers at McNair will connect with Atlanta International School & people around the world to bring awareness to Human Trafficking. #MYFREEDOMDAY
Click Here to view Jaylin's Prezi about Human Trafficking
The entire school was involved with #Myfreedomday by doing the following:
1. Post a video,picture or message on Social Media #MYFREEDOMDAY2. State where you are from & what freedom means to you.
3. State where you are from & what you are doing to help end human trafficking.
4. Connect with Atlanta International School's Facebook page "International-Students-Against-Human-Trafficking" to interact with others around the world.
5. Help create recycled 3D Art on March 14th to bring awareness.
6. Jaylin Simmons presented in your classes for 2 weeks. Jaylin will compete with Chef Gordon March 16th 18th for FCCLA in Athens, GA
7. Connect to resources on CNN... www.cnn.com/specials/world/myfreedomday
Corrin arranged bottle tops to say Stop Human Trafficking
Members of the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy plan to work with Elementary kids at the local library. They joined forces with other school organizations to dress in fun characters, read to the children, play games, help with arts & crafts, and assist the kids who want to create a small gift for their loved ones. Our Do Good December Impact Project theme of “Keep Dreaming Kids!” will focus on the children being innovative and cherishing precious moments with friends and family.
The following organizations will assist with this school-wide effort: McNair Travel Club, Beta Club, Art Club, Anime Club, Reading Bowl & Technology Department
The event turned out successful! The High Achievers dressed in fun characters, painted lots of faces, worked on creative greeting cards & read with enthusiasm. Guests included the Dekalb County Police Department, Dr. Barbara Long (Assistant Principal) and Ms. Paulette Calhoun (Media Center Specialist).
Click Here to view a Video of Do Good December Event
Really Ms. Hastie...That is not a heart
Lateraneshia received a hand-made gifts from the children after she read a Christmas story.
Dekalb County Police Department shared information with the kids.
Dr. Stockett of 100 Black Men of Dekalb County is helping the students build a pergola in their own courtyard. Once a week the students work on the pergola & prepare the area for each stage to create a makeover worth visiting.
Shane's Rib Shack on Caroline Street support McNair High School by allowing the students to practice their Customer Service skills once a month every 2nd Thursday. From 5pm-8pm, 10% of proceeds are donated to the school to assist with Impact Projects & educational excursions. Many of the faculty members, students & parents come out to show their support.
Volunteers help at Piedmont Park for 5k/10k race
12 members of the McNair Travel Club & HIgh Achievers volunteered for the Esprit De She 5K/10K race that benefits Girls on the Run Atlanta at Piedmont Park. The students worked well setting up water & sports drinks in preparation for the race. Then they showed off their best dance moves while forming a Soul Train Line to hand water to the runners. They enjoyed encouraging the runners chanting "You can do it!", "Don't give up!", "Go Girls!", "Keep up the Good Work!", "You Rock!" "Looking Good, Looking Good!" and many more. The runners put smiles on the students' faces by thanking them for volunteering.
Fatima & Kiara have a strategy to service the runners.
It doesn't take Ja'Don & Sakura long to get organized.
Don't spill the water!
Jaylon showing off.
Tydarien you had better get up from there!
Follow on Instagram @chick_fil_a_leadership
Click Here to visit Jaylin's Blog & see everything she is working on.
Click Here for Aquarium Photo Story
Judge Penny Reynolds invited women from all over Atlanta to participate in her Sister Talk Conference. She sponsored McNair High School students to a treat! Empowerment workshops addressed proper financial planning, domestic violence, the impact of social media, health, and legal rights. Jennifer Holiday & Shirley Caesar also blessed us with their wonderful voices! Chick-Fil-A sponsored the lunches & college students volunteered from Morehouse, Spelman & Clark Universities.
Click Here for Judge Penny Sister Talk Conference Photo Story
Math & Science Night
Math & Science Night was an opportunity for students to present their projects, participate in interactive demonstrations, meet community leaders, play games, make ice cream from scratch, do arts & crafts, complete labs, and practice Georgia Milestones End of Course Testing. Family & friends asked lots of questions about how education is connected to the real world. Everyone won lots of prizes & treats (gold fish, candy, Atlanta Braves Tickets, Falcons Apparel, pedometers, T-shirts, and certificates).
A BIG THANK YOU TO the High Achievers of McNair High School (National Honor Society, Beta Club & the Chick Fil A Leader Academy) & the Travel Club for volunteering at all the stations, help with set up, clean up, registration, and preparation.
Shantell puts the finishing touches on a project seen on The Futures Channel.
Way to go Keichen...1st Place! You are headed to the Disney Leadership Summit for your hard work & accomplishments.
Ayanna explained her project & gave out treats for students who answered her trivia questions correctly.
Makayla tries to put the pieces together while Denise brags about her prize Gold Fish.
The younger kids enjoyed the Arts & Crafts station & won Gold Fish for answering math questions correctly.
The Ice Cream Station was the best part! Students worked on their calculations for the recipe, mixed all the ingredients, followed the instructions, and began to eat the frozen treat ;). Brownies & cookies helped the flavor too!
Kayla did a great job of putting her Super Sonic 3D model together. Following directions is not as easy as it looks!!!
Ken Pressley completed 2014 taxes for FREE...We certainly appreciate your generosity! Go to the sponsor page for more information.
Mrs. Christina Stephens was glad to share information to help families increase their net worth. She also conducts wealth seminars & is available for appointments.
Beta Club Members visit the Center for Civil & Human Rights in Centennial Park
Tiara listens to the stories of Civil Rights Leaders.
Chelsie & Linda are inspired by all the people they see.
Ricki is not happy after listening to what the Freedom Riders had to endure! ;(
Lucia volunteered with the McNair Travel Club for Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels helps feed Senior Citizens in Metro Atlanta & over 800 meals were prepared & packaged in a short amount of time.
Congratulations to the Culinary Arts Department! Chef Elliott Farmer works with our future chefs to the stars. Check out a few recipes at ChefElliott.com
The Magnificent Math Department do their "Thing" 1 to 10 for Homecoming Week.
We are definitely Exceptional! Go Mustang Math!
The Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy students took part in the "Feeding Children Everywhere" campaign.
Students teamed up to fill 1,824 bags of Lentil Casserole packaged in 38 boxes.
Dr. Tau speaks to an audience after the play Chainz & Broken about losing a child to gun violence & four African American males after a protest about a slain teen goes sour.
Ms. Rucker poses in front of an 1852 vehicle when she volunteered with her son Antonio at the Georgia Airshow with the McNair Travel Club.
Kayla & Brandy help fold shirts at the GA Airshow.
Melvin is lucky to sit in the cockpit of an airplane!
Ms. Hastie's selfie moment with the pilot.
Colonel Mitchell did not share his turkey leg with Starving Sergeant Goffigan...so sad. At least the ROTC enjoyed a day at the Georgia Airshow.
McNair Travel Club strike a pose in front of the Walkabout Tiger Airplane & saw amazing stunts in the air. These pilots travel all over the world with their big toys.
Mr. Duhart gets a big surprise from Chick-Fil-A Leaders who appreciate his hard work!
Many students surprised faculty & staff members with a "Big Thank You" sponsored by Chick-Fil-A #CFALeaderAcademy
Ms. Walker gets a big surprise & lots of love! #CFALeaderAcademy
Please don't get glitter in my hair!!! #CFALeaderAcademy
Coach Salter deserves a hug! We appreciate you!!! #CFALeaderAcademy
Ms. Smayda was doused with confetti as the students said thank you. #CFALeaderAcademy
Chris prepares his team for victory on an obstacle course & relay race at Games Down Activities Up with the Hank Stewart Youth Foundation. He encouraged them to keep going & push yourself!
Students enjoy a nice meal at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Luncheon. Please don't get glitter in my hair!!! #CFALeaderAcademy
Coach Salter deserves a hug! We appreciate you!!! #CFALeaderAcademy
Ms. Noble makes a big impact on her mentees! She thought she was in trouble. #CFALeaderAcademy
Ms. Smayda was doused with confetti as the students said thank you. #CFALeaderAcademy
Chris prepares his team for victory on an obstacle course & relay race at Games Down Activities Up with the Hank Stewart Youth Foundation. He encouraged them to keep going & push yourself!
Mr. Parker gives McNair a face lift all around the school! Check out the gym walls & lobby.
Way to go Mr. Parker...The Mustang jumps out of the wall!
Check out all the positive sayings all along the gym walls...Desire, Dedication, Focused, Motivated, Discipline, Strength, Ambition, Believe, etc.
Denise & Mamadou work together to clean the horse stalls.
Spiderwebs are everywhere & Brandy gets rid of them!
Please don't throw that manure away Mamadou, we need it for Ms. Pennyman's garden!
"Cash" needs a bath not food!
Melvin & Starr churn the soil in preparation for our veggies in the courtyard.
Ms. Pennyman said, "I heard that Oak Leaves keep the bugs away!" Make sure you mix the fertilizer in good!
Environmental Science & Advanced Algebra students studied viral diseases at the CDC during a field trip.
Thank you to Ms. Pennyman & all chaperons who exposed the youth to the process & history of disease control.
working on my math project "Super Sonic Swirl" was a interesting experience seeing how one you get everything together how it moves and to have a slight experience of what actual ride engineers go through to put the rides together.
truthfully i wouldn't do anything different with the project except probably pick a easier model to build because with the directions that came with it were very difficult since their were only pictures
the math concepts i used were transformations-rotation,angles and parallel lines
Math Science Night Was Fun , I Enjoyed Working On My project And I Liked Seeing Others Projects ... I Enjoyed Playing The Games && I Also Liked How We Related Math To Real Life Things ... MATH SCIENCE NIGHT WAS GREAT !
Math Science Night Was Fun , I Enjoyed Working On My project And I Liked Seeing Others Projects ... I Enjoyed Playing The Games && I Also Liked How We Related Math To Real Life Things ... MATH SCIENCE NIGHT WAS GREAT !
Shantel you did a great job of researching your project & implementing the steps in a short period of time. I hope you learned a lot from the experience so you can apply your energy to productive things. I look forward to seeing you at your best more often!
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